Schedule an install or Contact Us

dive right in

Ready to schedule an installation for your golf cart? Look no further! A Brooks EV, we offer convenient and efficient installation services to ensure your golf cart is ready to hit the course in no time.

meet the part team

Our Part Team consists of experienced individuals who possess extensive knowledge of golf cart components, accessories, and maintenance. They are equipped with the expertise to guide you through the process of finding the perfect parts and accessories to enhance your golf cart's performance, functionality, and style.

contact us for questions

Our knowledgeable and friendly customer service team is ready to address your questions and provide the information you need. Whether you're curious about specific features, pricing, customization options, or any other aspect of our golf carts, we're here to provide accurate and reliable answers.

Covering your Needs


We offer an extensive array of both commonly sought-after and elusive Icon And EPIC Golf Cart Parts, as well as Club Car Parts, all readily available in our well-stocked inventory for immediate pick up. Even if the specific part you require isn’t currently in stock, we have the ability to source it swiftly! With our vast selection and access to premium golf cart parts, we cater to virtually every requirement you may have.

Shop Golf Accessories


At our store, you’ll discover an extensive range of accessories designed for Icon and EPIC Golf carts, as well as Club Car models. Our diverse collection of renowned brand golf cart accessories empowers you to personalize your cart precisely according to your preferences. With our wide selection, you can effortlessly create the golf cart of your dreams!

Schedule An Installation


Require installation for your new parts or accessories? Worry not! At Brooks EV, we provide dependable and expert installation services for all the parts and accessories available in our inventory. You can count on us to ensure a seamless and professional installation process for your convenience.